
GDJ / Pixabay

My loving parents who are always there for me

My close friends

Shelter, a roof over my head

My wonderful family

Love and peace around the world


Food brought to the dinner table

Acts of kindness from others

My faith

The life I received 

Ode to Lamborghini

O, Lamborghini,

you have the sleekest, fabulous lines any car can have. 

skeeze / Pixabay

Your energetic engine roaring like a

bull in a race. 

Screaming horsepower 

on the track and main roads.

Foreign body structure

that is designed to cut through 

powerful winds.

As quick as light,

dashing in luxury and fashion.

Thinking why you are so expensive

yet so sportive.

Glossy, vibrant color, 

making you even more valuable.

You shoot through the night

 like a bullet.

Just dreaming,

one day,

you will be mine!

90 Word Memoir

PublicCo / Pixabay

Packing my bag to be ready for Ohio! I was prepared to go on this trip to see areas and sleep with my blanket. Knowing I would be in the car for 8 hours, I had to adjust.
“Are we there yet!?” I asked.
I forgot about it and went to sleep. I wake up 30 mins later, and we arrive.
Ohio Technical College! Immediately my eyes caught attention to all of the cars. This opened my eyes to how my future will look, and I’m patiently waiting on it.

Would You Rather..?

Would you rather have a magical carpet that flies or your own personal robot?

ljcor / Pixabay
DrSJS / Pixabay








I would rather have a magical carpet that flies to take me around the world. I can arrive at certain places fast and easy. I wouldn’t have to worry about traffic and parking. Carrying my magical carpet with me everywhere I go.
I would not own a personal robot because you have to be truly responsible for it. You would have to take it everywhere you go. Having personal space would be ruined by it, and you would have to explain to everyone why you have a robot with you. Lol.